FEBRUARY 5, 2019 6 P.M.

2019-2020 Fiscal Year


Supervisor Solem called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Supervisor Solem, Clerk Michalak, Treasurer Gottschalk, Trustees Wieber and Laman all present.

Public Present: Ray Franks, Dan Haswell and Mike Burguard



1. Appointments-

MTA Magazine recently published information about requirements for serving on the zoning board of appeals. One person must serve on both the zoning board of appeals and the township planning commission. This person cannot be a township board official, although a board member can serve on the ZBA alone. Trustee Wieber will excuse himself from the zoning board of appeals, but stay on the planning commission. Robin Talsma will be approached to see if she would be willing to serve on the ZBA. If she agrees, she will be appointed at the next meeting.

2. Hall Improvements-

The exterior finish of the building is still in need of maintenance, either painting or sandblasting with an applied sealant. A decision has not been made, nor have estimates been requested.

The east township hall entry needs to be relocated to avoid the snow dump from the metal roof above the door. Discussion is to move the door to the north side of the shed entry and build a retainer wall to hold back snow dump from the main roof. This would require modifying the walkway, as well. Dan Haswell, volunteered an estimate. Ray Franks said he would provide a drawing of the scope of work to be done so bidders would have identical specifications. Supervisor Solem will request bids at a later date. Dan Haswell plans to check with the Building Code Authority to see if altering the entry would require additional modifications to occur within the hall to meet ADA requirements, although it has met ADA requirements in the past.

3. Road Improvements-

Clerk Michalak suggested following up on getting reflectors for the rest of the stop signs at the intersection of Valley and Fowler Roads. The price provided last year by the road commission is outdated. Supervisor Solem has requested a new quote, but has had no response from the road commission. There will be money included in the 2019-2020 budget for the reflectors and for two brines. Mike Burguard questioned if it would be possible to get a third brine on some roads, specifically Martin and Saffron. Platte Township contracts with the Benzie County Road Commission, but board officials have looked into finding a different company to do the brining. Supervisor Solem will check with the road commission to see if they would do a third, or possibly locate a private contractor who could apply additional brines on those two roads.

Trustee Laman inquired about the current status of the Morgan School. Discussion followed. Clerk Michalak explained that information in the township’s possession; e.g. deeds, invoices etc., have been given to Attorney Figura to examine. At the moment, the status appears unclear. Supervisor Solem would like to continue looking into it. Trustee Laman suggested not incurring legal fees to unwind this mystery, but instead use an organization with the Michigan Township Association that provides free legal advice. Clerk Michalak explained they provide only limited assistance and not real legal counsel. The general consensus of most board members was to follow this through to see if the Morgan School could be returned to the township at a low or no-cost.

4. Review of Expenditures and Revenues-

Clerk Michalak provided financial statements for the two previous years of township business. There was discussion by the board regarding expenditures for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. There will be two elections in this next fiscal year, which will cost the township about $2,500.00 each. This is the year for township Clean-Up Day, which costs around $4,000.00. There are three stumps at the cemetery that need grinding. Each stump will cost about $300.00. Trustee Wieber suggested the township earmark about $500.00 to set up email with Platte Township domain, and create individual email addresses for township officials for discussing township business. This is important for potential future FOIAs and the ability to keep personal emails separate from township business. All agreed that this was a good idea to pursue.

Treasurer Gottschalk discussed projected township revenue for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. State Revenue Sharing will see an increase of about $6,500.00 this year. Interest on the CDs moved last year, will provided an increase in investment income of about $1,000.00. One of the two elections being held in the next fiscal year, may have its related costs reimbursed to the township. There are no immediate cuts planned for the Platte Township forest property, although it brought a substantial boost last year. Next cutting is projected to take place in 5-8 years. Swamp Tax and PILT will remain unchanged. The budget could be modified later, to accommodate moving the east entry door or doing maintenance on the exterior appearance of the township hall.

5. Projections for 2019-2020 Budget-

The estimated expenditures for the coming fiscal year are $127,400.00. The estimated revenues are $111,032.00. The carryover balance at the end of this fiscal year (2018-2019) is projected at $267,642.96. Trustee Laman inquired about lowering the tax rate for the township property owners. It was explained that the only revenue that the township can reliably count on is the amount allowed on property tax, which is currently less than 1 mill. The township is restrained by law to levy any more than 1 mill, regardless of the township’s financial state. The majority of revenue comes from State Revenue Sharing, which is not a fixed annual number (fluctuates depending on the economic health of the state of Michigan), and the Swamp Tax. PILT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) is a very small revenue coming from the Federal government. Some years, such as the projected budget year, the township actually has a shortfall between revenues and expenditures.

6. Fire Contract for 2019-2020-

Homestead is working on our contract, 1 mill on operations, .5 mill on equipment. 19,027.11 for operations and 9315.00 for equipment, hazmat service provided by Traverse City- total expense $28,950.00

7. Approval of Proposed Budget-

A motion to accept the proposed budget for 2019-2020, was made by Clerk Michalak and supported by Trustee Laman. All ayes, motion carried.

8. Additional Business- None



Supervisor Solem entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Treasurer Gottschalk motioned and Trustee Laman supported. All ayes, motion carried.



Supervisor Solem called the meeting to order at 8:11 p.m.

Clerk Michalak motioned, with support from Supervisor Solem, to allow the township to tax at the maximum rate as allowed by the Headlee Amendment (L-4029). All ayes, motion carried.



Supervisor Solem entertained a motion to adjourn the Truth in Taxation Meeting at 8:13 p.m. A motion was made by Trustee Wieber and supported by Trustee Laman. All ayes, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Molly Franks

Deputy Clerk